Audit fees / Service Fees

Q1 How are audit/service fees calculated?
Q2 Are your service fees higher or lower than those of other firms?
Q3 How are you able to provide services at reasonable costs?
Q4 How are service fees proposed for SMEs?
Q5 Can we consult with you anytime?

Auditing/Accounting Consulting Services

Q1 How should we choose a Japanese auditing/accounting firm?
Q2 We are considering changing auditors. How should we proceed?
Q3 The parent company has requested an early closing of the Japanese subsidiary’s accounts. However, we are at a loss as to how to move forward.

Firm Profile

Q1 What kind of firm is Nihon-bashi International Accounting?
Q2 What distinguishes Nihonbashi International Accounting Firm from other accounting firms?
Q3 What is the difference between Nihon-bashi International Accounting Firm and an audit firm?
Q4 What kinds of clients does Nihonbashi International Accounting Firm work with?