大学卒業後、公認会計士二次試験に合格、世界第5位の会計事務所であるBDO International 東京事務所に入所。主に、監査業務に従事後、コンサルティング業務や国際的業務の経験を積むために、2004年に監査法人トーマツ(現 有限責任監査法人トーマツ)に入所。外資系企業クライアントの監査業務のほか、株式公開支援業務やデューデリジェンス業務、内部統制構築などにも従事する。
After graduating Tokyo university, he passed the JICPA exams and started his career from BDO International Tokyo. Mainly engaged in audit services for Japanese companies and foreign capital companies.
In 2004, he joined Deloitte Tokyo. Mainly engaged in assurance services for foreign capital companies under IFRS and Japanese listed entities under J-GAAP. In addition to the audit engagement, involved with client services such as conversion from J-GAAP to US-GAAP, due diligence, M&A consultation and IPO.
After working in audit industries for 7 years, he independently started own business as an individual CPA in 2006. He provided a wide range of services such as audit for foreign capital entities, consulting for listed entities, internal control establishment (J-SOX), valuation and tax filing, etc. In 2014, he was offerred to assume Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of a SGX listed entity and stayed in Singapore for four years. During this time, he was engaged in significant tasks such as financial disclosures, fund raising, Investor relation activities (IR), and establishment of internal control construction, etc. And then, he also obtained qualification of the USCPA while working abroad.
After gained various experience in finance and accounting, he re-started own business as a CPA and establised Nihon-Bashi International Accounting Firm in 2019. He actively provide various accounting and financial services and continuously support his clients as a professional accountant .
開成高校出身 東京大学工学部卒業
2000年 三優監査法人入所
2004年 監査法人トーマツ(現 有限責任監査法人トーマツ)入所
2006年 根本公認会計士事務所代表
2014年 Accordia Golf Trust Management Pte Ltd/ CFO (シンガポール証券取引所上場)
2019年 日本橋国際会計事務所 開設
セグリゲーションのすすめ(2012年 中央経済社)
経理担当者のための実務に役立つIFRS 50のポイント(2010年 中央経済社)
(Education / qualification)
Graduated from Tokyo University
JICPA (registration number: 19307)
USCPA/Washington State (registration number: 39780)
Certified Tax Accountant (registration number: 107548)
(Job History)
2000: BDO International Tokyo
2004: Deloitte Tokyo
2006: Nemoto CPA Firm (Former entity of Nihon-Bashi International Accounting Firm)
2014: Golf Trust Management Pte Ltd/ CFO (SGX listed entity)
2019: Nihon-Bashi International Accounting Firm
2023: Partner/ Nihon-Bashi International Tax Advisory Firm
2024: Partner/ J-Bridge International Audit Firm